by Pastor Daniel
That statement came from a hymn, “In times like these, you need a Savior, in times like these, you need an anchor. Be very sure, be very sure, your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock. This rock is Jesus, yes He’s the one, This rock is Jesus, the only one.”
The past few weeks have not been easy for some. It may seem good initially to take that long overdue rest and holiday to be at home. After a while, it becomes worrisome as to how the situation is going to be like.
In times like these - what can we do?
The Psalmist in Ps 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” This verse has become more special now than any other time.
We perhaps have forgotten what it means to be still. We are trying to do more and achieve more. To run more in order to cover more. We talk about having a mosaic mind and a multitasking ability. We run frantically from one place to another, doing one thing to another.
What has all these come to? We exalt people to be still and know that Jehovah is God and yet at a worship service, we declare that we are listening, singing and also whatsapping. “Multitasking!”, so we proclaim.
When we see our children on the phones or laptops, they say that they are doing their homework and some games all at the same time. We have lost the art of being still.
With all that is happening right now - the MCO, the no more moving, no more working in offices, no more going to school - what do we make of all these? I began to feel that we are now forced to be still.
Perhaps it is a good thing. To be still and know that God is God. Not technology, not even science, certainly not wealth = many are turning to God or even gods that each one is worshiping.
The point is this - have we grasped the impact of this pandemic? Have we come to know that God is God indeed?
Everyone is asked to stay home and stay safe. That is now the greetings we exchange. No more, “how are you?, “Have you eaten?” but “are you at home? Are you safe?”
Perhaps it is a good message - are you safe? Maybe I would like to change that a little - are you saved?
“In times like these, you need a Savior; in times like these, you need an anchor. Be very sure that your anchor holds and grips the solid rock!”
Over the social media, each time I hear news of people dying and dying without their loved one by their side, I shed a tear or two. It is sad. I asked myself, “what if I were the one at the bedside or my loved one?” There is only one anchor we must anchor our life and our faith in - in Christ alone; “this rock is Jesus, yes He’s the one...”
With this pandemic which was supposed to inflict fear is also bringing people to their knees recognizing that everything is a vanity. Even the Governor of Texas publicly made a confession of sin of disregarding the Word of God, taking away prayers in school, confusing truth and lie. It adds up to this - only God can save us.
We may be thinking of physical sickness but there is another sickness in our life - the sickness of sin that brings about hopelessness, fear and finally death. To all those reading this, I am not exploiting the situation to share the good news of Jesus Christ but to enable us to think beyond this life. Life has suddenly become so fragile.
If there is any certainty, it is the certainty that God still loves us and He wants us to come to know Him. Jesus came to this world, gave himself to the world, die on the cross and rose again on the third for one purpose - that we might have life. Have we received Jesus into our hearts and asked him to forgive us and be SAVED?
May our hearts be heavy for those who are struggling in Malaysia and in the world. Let us pray for them while we are in solidarity. Let us continually join our hearts together for those who are making the greatest sacrifice - the health care givers who work very hard at the risk of their lives - that they be safe. Let us pray for all men to turn to God at such a time and be saved too. God be with all of you.