What Is Maturity?
By Rev Daniel Yaw
To the family of FCC, this month we celebrate our 16th anniversary. We look back with gratitude to God for his guiding hands upon us from day one will what it is today. We attribute all glory to God and the faithfulness of His servants through her leadership.
After all these years, how have we grown? How have become more mature? I was meditating on this verse from the book of Hebrews that speaks about the maturity of God’s beloved through his word.
Hebrews 5:11-13
"But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by the constant practice to distinguish good from evil." (verse 13)
Maturity is something we all strive for. Children want to mature, Christians want to mature and churches want to mature! We all need that. How is maturity seen and how does it develop? I believe all of these is a continual process but that process must be ongoing. We will only be perfect when we meet the Lord.
However, here are some gleanings from the passage of Hebrews.
Maturity by the Word
The very foundation is the Word of God. The meditation of God's word that brings about understanding is what we all need. We can never stop reading, studying, and meditating on the Word of God. The trouble is that after many years, there is a possibility of growing dull hearing. We begin to slack in our study of the word of God. We became less excited about hearing the Word of God. As a preacher, I realized that the temptation to not meditate upon His Word is great because the passage is somewhat familiar. As a preacher, I also see that it is the new believers or visitors who are more excited about the Word of God being preached. Never become dull of hearing!
Let us remember that we must never get too familiar with the Word of God until we do not hear his voice anymore.
Do we still appreciate the word of God when we read it? Or do we get excited with God’s word when we hear it preached after all these years?
Maturity by the Discernment
The maturity founded in the Word enables us to be discerning. While many think that discernment is a gift - yes, it is. Yet that gift is fuelled by the fact that one is absorbed in the Word of God. It gives them the "powers of discernment".
Discernment is the ability to divide what is right and what is wrong.
Discernment is the ability to know what to do and what to avoid.
Discernment is the ability to know what is from God and what is not.
The apostle Paul constantly wrote to the churches that we all need the spirit of discernment.
Maturity by Obedience
Then lastly, I realized in my Christian journey, that maturity comes with obedience. "The Word of God transforms lives!" - sounded so true yet it is not true. I think as Rev Edmund Chan puts it, it is not the Word of God that transforms, it is the APPLIED Word of God that transforms lives.
Notice that the writer says, " the power of discernment TRAINED by the constant PRACTICE to distinguish good from evil.
Obedience to righteousness enables us to discern what is good and what is not evil.
Many Christians stop short of knowing but not applying. Most of us know quite a bit what the Word of God says. The struggle and the battle are obeying what God tells us. The prophet of old says that God prefers obedience rather than sacrifice.
Obedience begins in our heart and when that happens, we walk in the ways of God and fulfill His purposes.
One of the pillars or core values of FCC is the Word – that we would all be rooted in the Word. That speaks of how the Word of God would govern our lives. It is more than head knowledge; it is heart and feet knowledge. Let us then move towards this maturity process as we celebrate our anniversary
希伯来书 5:11-13
建立在上帝话语的成熟使我们能够明辨是非。虽然许多人认为能明辨是非是一种恩赐 — 是的,确实如此。然而,这种恩赐是源于沉浸在上帝的话语当中而来的。它赋予了“明辨是非的能力”。
最后,在我的基督徒成长过程中,我意识到成熟都伴随着顺服。“上帝的话语能改变生命!” — 听起来如此真实,但事实并非如此。我认为,正如 Edmund Chan 牧师所说的,改变生命的不是上帝的话语,而是应用了上帝的话语才使人改变。
信心教会的支柱或核心价值观之一便是上帝的话语 — 就是期盼我们所有人都能扎根于圣经。这说明了上帝的话语将如何掌管我们的生活。它不仅仅是停留在脑里的知识;它是内心和双脚的知识。让我们在庆祝周年纪念日的时候,以这成熟进度过程为目标前进。
English Titles
- Consecration And Commission
- A Guest So Welcome, A Blessing So Overflowing
- The Pursuing Goodness Of God
- Dwelling In The House Of The Lord
- Remembering Mothers
- Required Of God
- Will Daniel And His Friends Survive This?
- Hebrews 6:1-8 Falling Away Or Faithfully Advancing
- One Another-ness: The Road To God’s Promise
- What Is Maturity?
- Gleanings From The Psalms
- The King And The Priest For This Christmas
- Abounding In Hope
- A Great Salvation
- The Lord Is My Shepherd
- The Curse That Was No More
- With My Shepherd Through Green Pastures And Still Waters
- He Restores My Soul
- The Path Of Righteousness
- Walking Through The The Valley
- Thy Rod And Thy Staff They Comfort Me
- A Secured Table Set Before Me
- "Boy, Am I Lucky!"
- Behind And Before
- Facing The New Year With Faith And Courage
- Rise Up And Build
- The Church Of God Today
- Celebrating Passover And Easter
- Mother's Day Or Women's Day
- Father's Day
- One Another-ness
- Hopelessly Hopeful
- Finding Purpose And Peace
- Serving Is A Choice
- Pray, Plan And Perform
- Christmas Carol - Song Of Deliverance
- Something New
- Excited Or Exhausted?
- Right Beliefs Lead Right Behavior
- Joy Unexpected
- The Mind On Christ
- Defocus And Refocus
- Proclaiming With Boldness
- Being Or Doing
- Repent And Regret
- Evocate, Embrace, Extend
- Can We Survive This?
- I Have Come, And I Am Coming Again
- The Holy And Merciful God
- Bring Them To Me
- Spiritual Realities
- In Times Like This...
- A Time To Humble Ourselves
- Knowing The Signs Of Times
- Three Rusty Coins
- Time To Come Home
- Fasting
- Serve
- Growing Up To Maturity
- Christmas Pondering
- Step Up! Step Out!
- A Prayer Of Blessing
- The Practice Of Faith
- Coming Away To Pray
- I Will Be With You
- Why Worry?
- God’s Sermon In The Sky
- What Is Man That God Is Mindful Of Us?
- Our Relationship With God: The Shepherd Of Our Soul
- Our Relationship With God : The Faithful Father
- Our Relationship With God : My BFF
- Our Relationship With God : Bride Awaiting The Bridegroom
- More For Jesus, More Like Jesus
- A New Creation
- Christ In Us, The Hope Of Glory
- The Resurrection Life
- The Mother Love Of God
- The Presence Of God
- Can Two Walk Together, Unless They Are Agreed?
- Thy Will Be Done? Thy Will Be Changed?
- Reflection Of Our New Life In Christ
- The Marriage
- Being Wise
- The Silence Is Broken
- Let The Beauty Of Jesus Be Seen In Me (A)
- Let The Beauty Of Jesus Be Seen In Me (B)
- He Who Has An Ear, Let Him Hear
- Love Not The World
- Glory In The Cross
- Meek & "Kiasu"
- Loving Others Is For The Strong And Courageous
- Being Disciples And The Kingdom Of God
- Enter To Worship, Exit To Serve
- Exit To Serve
- What Defines My Life?
- The Christmas Child
- What Is Your Alabaster Jar?
- Serving The Lord
- If Only.....
- Deacons Were Appointed
- The Role Of The Church
- Prayer For The Nation
- 5 Priorities Of Discipleship
- God Is Always Faithful
- Life’s Realignment
- Gearing Up For Christmas