• Services

    • Bilingual Service - Sunday, 9:30am
    • Sunday School - Sunday, 9:30am
    • Youth Ministry - Sunday, 12:30pm
    • Mandarin Service - Sunday, 11:30am
    • Hokkien Fellowship - 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of the month, 3:00pm (5th Wednesday is a special meeting)
    *Please understand that the schedule may have changed depending on current situation.

  • Care Groups

    • Jernih - Tuesday, 8:30pm
    • Indah - Monday, 8:00pm
    • Kulim (E) - Wednesday, 8:30pm
    • Butterworth - Tuesday, 8:30pm
    • Young Adult - Friday, 8:30pm
    • Alma - Friday, 8:30pm
    • Rambai Damai - Friday, 8:00pm
    • Kg Baru (Bilingual 双语) - Friday, 8:30pm 
    • Palma (Bilingual 双语) - Saturday, 4:00pm
    • PG Island - Wednesday, 6:30pm
    • 中文乐龄小组- Friday, 3:00pm
    • 以勒 (Jireh) 小组 - Friday, 8:30pm
    • 中文福建小组 - Thursday, 3:00pm
    • Machang Bubok 中文小组 - Sunday, 1:00pm
    *Please understand that the schedule may have changed depending on current situation.

  • Prayer Meetings

    • Church Prayer Meeting: 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, 8:30pm
    • Prayer Meeting (Pray for the nation): 1st Thursday of the month, 8:30pm
    • Prayer Meeting (Pray for healing) : 3rd Thursday of the month, 8:30pm
    • Deacons’ Prayer Meeting: Last Sunday of the month, 8:30am
    • P.U.S.H: Every Friday, 10:00am - 12:00pm
    • Prayer Meeting (Pray for Sunday service): Every Sunday before service
    *Please understand that the schedule may have changed depending on current situation.

FCC Concerns All posts


Gleanings From The Psalms

on November 2024

 by Rev Daniel Yaw



As we enter into November, I was thinking about preaching from the Psalms.  What caused that decision is that Psalms are songs packed with emotions and exaltations.  Why read the Psalms, why preach from Psalms?

A Freedom to express
I believe one of the many elements we read in the psalms, is the freedom of expression.  I realized that the psalmists make no reservations when it comes to the expression of one’s emotions.  In the Psalms, we feel with the writer, emotions of sorrow, expressions of joy, exhibition of anger sometimes, and even enquiring of things that are confusing and mind-boggling when it comes to life.
It tells me something about the Psalms – that God gives us full permission to express how we feel towards life and people and direct those feelings to God.  There is no embarrassment nor apologies when it comes to expression.
They are very much like songs today that we hear and sing.  Songs express our joy and disappointments in life.  The beauty of it all is that it is expressed so poetically.

A Faith exhibited
Yet through all the emotions and expressions of one’s emotions, we see that the Psalms are finally directed to God who is great and good.  All life’s circumstances, perplexing as they may be, finally end in praise to God.  This is because God is ultimately in control and he brings understanding.
How often, do the psalmists fret over life and then end up giving praise to God as in Psalm 37?  While it begins with disappointment, hurts, and even sins, it ends up in faith through quietly trusting God, confessing our sins, and giving Him all the praises due to Him.
The movement of the psalms is from fear to faith, from disappointment to devotion, from confession to consolation.  We must begin reading the psalm to see this movement and end our questionings to faith.

A Life integrated
Another element of the Psalms is that it is an integration of mind, body, soul, and spirit.  Our journey of faith is about being ministered to the whole being.  Our challenges and struggles have to do with our minds, our bodies, our soul, and our spirit.  We come to life’s bumps in all these areas and the psalms integrate all of these.  It addresses the confused mind, the weak body, the troubled soul, and the lethargy of our spirits.   The Psalms with all the freedom expressed, points to these elements at different times which we can all identify.
Jesus in the gospel says that the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, our soul, our mind, and our strength.  Loving God in that manner is to bring our whole being before God and acknowledge that He owns them all.  The psalms teach us how to worship God with our whole being.

Not meditating on the psalms is to miss a great part of our life of worship to God.  May I encourage you all FCCians to read, meditate, teach, pray, sing the Psalms, and make them the psalms of your lives too.  Stay blessed always.


What Is Maturity?

on October 2024

By Rev Daniel Yaw

To the family of FCC, this month we celebrate our 16th anniversary.  We look back with gratitude to God for his guiding hands upon us from day one will what it is today.  We attribute all glory to God and the faithfulness of His servants through her leadership.
After all these years, how have we grown?  How have become more mature?  I was meditating on this verse from the book of Hebrews that speaks about the maturity of God’s beloved through his word
Hebrews 5:11-13
"But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by the constant practice to distinguish good from evil." (verse 13)

Maturity is something we all strive for.  Children want to mature, Christians want to mature and churches want to mature!  We all need that.  How is maturity seen and how does it develop?  I believe all of these is a continual process but that process must be ongoing.  We will only be perfect when we meet the Lord. 
However, here are some gleanings from the passage of Hebrews.

Maturity by the Word

The very foundation is the Word of God.  The meditation of God's word that brings about understanding is what we all need.  We can never stop reading, studying, and meditating on the Word of God.  The trouble is that after many years, there is a possibility of growing dull hearing.  We begin to slack in our study of the word of God.  We became less excited about hearing the Word of God.  As a preacher, I realized that the temptation to not meditate upon His Word is great because the passage is somewhat familiar.  As a preacher, I also see that it is the new believers or visitors who are more excited about the Word of God being preached.  Never become dull of hearing!
Let us remember that we must never get too familiar with the Word of God until we do not hear his voice anymore. 
Do we still appreciate the word of God when we read it?  Or do we get excited with God’s word when we hear it preached after all these years?

Maturity by the Discernment

The maturity founded in the Word enables us to be discerning.  While many think that discernment is a gift - yes, it is.  Yet that gift is fuelled by the fact that one is absorbed in the Word of God.  It gives them the "powers of discernment".  

Discernment is the ability to divide what is right and what is wrong. 
Discernment is the ability to know what to do and what to avoid. 
Discernment is the ability to know what is from God and what is not.

The apostle Paul constantly wrote to the churches that we all need the spirit of discernment.

Maturity by Obedience

Then lastly, I realized in my Christian journey, that maturity comes with obedience.  "The Word of God transforms lives!" - sounded so true yet it is not true.  I think as Rev Edmund Chan puts it, it is not the Word of God that transforms, it is the APPLIED Word of God that transforms lives. 
Notice that the writer says, " the power of discernment TRAINED by the constant PRACTICE to distinguish good from evil.
Obedience to righteousness enables us to discern what is good and what is not evil.
Many Christians stop short of knowing but not applying.  Most of us know quite a bit what the Word of God says.  The struggle and the battle are obeying what God tells us.  The prophet of old says that God prefers obedience rather than sacrifice.
Obedience begins in our heart and when that happens, we walk in the ways of God and fulfill His purposes.


One of the pillars or core values of FCC is the Word – that we would all be rooted in the Word.  That speaks of how the Word of God would govern our lives.  It is more than head knowledge; it is heart and feet knowledge.  Let us then move towards this maturity process as we celebrate our anniversary


One Another-ness: The Road To God’s Promise

on September 2024

by Rev Daniel Yaw

As I was thinking of where our church should be as we celebrate our 16th anniversary, I sensed that it was not the right question to ask.  The right question is really – what is our church like today after 16 years? This thought of “one another” came to mind.  With that for September and October, we want to work together in this aspect to become what God wants us to be.
A commandment
John 13:34-35
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this, all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”
The above is a commandment of Christ given to the disciples.  What is so new about it is the way we carry it out.
The first new thing is our perception of our relationship with God.  Many times, we think of our relationship with God as merely vertical.  It is all about me and my God and no one else.
While that is true in part, that our relationship with God is of utmost importance, Jesus mentioned that this relationship is also reflected in the way we relate to one another.
Thus, to relate to one another is a command of God.  It is not an option, not a preference, but a command with a promise.  The command is to love one another.  This is the 2nd most important commandment with the first, loving God will all our hearts.
A common-ness
The second thing about this one another-ness is about sharing something in common.  In the last 40 days of prayer and fasting experience, one of the unshakeables’ is relationship.  If there is one unshakeable thing – it is our relationship with one another.  When we are born of God, we are also born into the family of God.  In other words, we spiritually become brothers and sisters in Christ.
Paul wrote in his letter that we all share the same faith, the one baptism, the one Lord, and the one Spirit. 
There is something common in all of us.  None of us can boast that we are better in status in the presence of God.  All of us are equal – sinners saved by grace.
A comradeship
Lastly, it is about caring for one another – looking out for one another.  It is the sense of “interdependence”.  I have constantly mentioned this word behind the pulpit.  We need each other and we cannot live independently.  We only live dependent on Christ and interdependent. 
We must never feel the sense that we don’t need another.  We are the body of Christ and for it to function well, we need each other.
As we look into the next two months, we want to venture into this aspect.  The promise in John is that others will know that we are disciples of Jesus Christ.  We then have an identity!  Let us be CHRISTians in this manner. 
God bless. 


Latest sermons All posts

10 Nov

In Everything Give Thanks

Sunday | 10:00 am more details
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From Despair To Hope

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One-Way: Accept One Another, Serve One Another

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Wait For The Lights: Endure And Persevere

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Building Each Other Up

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